Hello students of 2003/2004!!
Update: Your results for your test and coursework here
Update (1) : You can access the make-up assignment here. Submission date is 23rd April.
Update (2): The make-up test given on Friday 23rd April, 2004 is available here.
Here is some information you can use during this course.
Linear programming questions : Linear programming formulation questions and their excel solver solutions can be found
Tutorial No. 1 Sheet - A Lindo printout (solution and sensitivity analysis) for a LP problem
List of Students - The list of students, groups belonging to, and tutorial session (the hyperlink has been removed)
Assignment 1 Results - The unofficial results for assignment 1. The marks may change. (Some marks have been changed)
Guide to LP Formulation - a 6 step guide to formulating simple LP problems
Guide to Simplex Algorithm - a detailed step by step guide to solving maximization problem using the simplex algorithm
Information on Test - test topics, venue and time
Coursework marks - your final coursework, test and assignment marks
Goal Programming - Goal programming main page, GP formulation with penalties and priorities and solution in Lindo (NEW)
Minimax Regret - A worked example on Minimax Regret. (NEW)
ME30B 2003 Exam Quest 1.1 - Question 1.1 of ME30B 2002 exam solution - a LP problem (NEW)
ME30B Test Question 1.2 - Solution for the formulation of the GP and its evaluation (NEW)
ME30B Exam 2002/2003 Exam Quest 1.2 - Solution for the Question on Sensitivity Analysis (NEW)
ME30B Exam 2001/2002 Exam Quest. 2.3 - Solution quest. on decision trees using conditional probabilities (NEW)
Further information on Simulation of Queues (external links)
1. Monte Carlo Simulation of Queues - A site on Operations Research Topics - this link goes to the topic on Queues simulation but you can navigate to the main page. Prepared by J.E. Beasleyof the Imperial College in the UK
Further information on Goal Programming (external links)
1. Goal Programming Slides (Power Point presentation: may take long to download 3.5 MB) - has a worked example on solving two variables goal programming models. Prepared by Asst. Prof. John S. Loucks located at St. Edwards University.
Further Information on Excel Solver (external links):
1. Installing and Using Solver - the information is on an older edition of solver than what you'll be using, but the dialog boxes looks mostly the same. Just two notes -
If you are in the Solver dialog, and you click Options, you should ensure that the boxes mark "assume linear model" and "assume non-negative" are ticked
When multiplying the "changing cells" (i.e. the objective variables) with that of the coefficients of the constraints to get a formula for the constraint ... you can use the SUMPRODUCT function of Excel if these values are in an array i.e. SUMPRODUCT(B3:B5, D3:D5).
2. Understanding Solver Reports - information on understanding solver reports can be found here